Monday, May 9, 2011

Plans Interrupted

When the US financial market began its precipitous decline in 2008, I should have realized that my structured finance legal practice might quickly follow in its path.  Almost three years have past since the beginning of that collapse and I am looking at a very different future than the one I would have imagined at that time.  While there seems to be much less certainty on the horizon, there also seems to be many more opportunities.  And, without a template in hand, the world again seems vast and exciting.     

As a kick-off to this new stage of my life, I'm packing my bags (more specifically, my trusty backpack) and heading abroad.  Somehow I got it into my mind that an around-the-world trip might be the antidote for my frustrations.  However, after spending countless hours planning this trip, after visiting one of Houston's health clinics for a series of inoculations and after purchasing  tickets on six different airlines, I'm having my doubts.

Doubts aside, I think the train is leaving the station, so off I go.  My destinations were chosen somewhat at random.  With few exceptions, I had never seriously considered visiting any of these locations in the past.  But as I toyed with my flexible itinerary, this is what finally emerged:

Houston to Blackfoot (not particularly exotic, but the locals are awesome)
Blackfoot to Hong Kong
Hong Kong to Beijing
Beijing to Bangkok
Bangkok to Kathmandu
Kathmandu to Istanbul
Istanbul to Milan
Milan to Stockholm
Stockholm to New York and
New York to Houston

Wish me luck!


  1. with a tiny stop in Salt Lake between Blackfoot & Hong Kong! :-) Bon Voyage!! I look forward to your periodic missives from abroad.

  2. Thrilled to death to experience your trip via your blog! As I tell my kids - Be Safe, Be Good, Have Fun!

  3. What a TRIP! We'll be with you all the way.
    George N

  4. Stephen, may I recommend that you rename your voyage "Elison Eats, Prays, and Loves"? Or would that be a bit TM infringe-y? Vaya con dios, mi amigo! And thanks for sharing.

  5. Wow, Have a great trip but, don't get kidnapped, robbed, hurt, just have fun!

  6. Bring me back a baby from Nepal....preferably one that sleeps all night :c).
